Find the URL with a 200 OK Response
Apply HTTP filter: http.response.code == 200.
Look at the "Host" and "Request URI" fields in the HTTP packets to determine the full URL accessed.=
Find the IP and MAC of an Infected Windows Client
Find the victim’s IP by filtering DHCP traffic:
Look for the Assigned IP address in the DHCP ACK packet.
Find the MAC address:
Filter using
Identify the MAC address associated with the victim’s IP.
Find the Victim’s Hostname from NetBIOS
Use the Wireshark filter:
(NetBIOS Name Service)nbns && ip.src == [Victim IP]
to narrow results
Look at Name Query Response packets to find the hostname.
Identify the Infected User Who Ran a file
Change the filter to Packet Bytes and Strings and then type the string (file name) to find the packets that are dealing with it.
Detecting PowerShell Traffic via User-Agent
Change the filter to Packet Details and Strings and then type the string (user-agent name) to find the packets that are dealing with it.
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