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In Metasploit, a module is like a pre-built tool that helps security professionals test and exploit vulnerabilities without writing code from scratch. Metasploit provides libraries that handle the technical details, making it easy to run these modules.
1️⃣ Exploit – A code that takes advantage of a system’s weakness to gain access. 2️⃣ Payload – The action performed after exploiting a system, like opening a backdoor. 3️⃣ Encoder – A tool that hides or modifies a payload to avoid detection by security software. 4️⃣ NOP (No Operation) – Used to create buffer space in memory during exploitation. 5️⃣ Auxiliary – Tools for scanning, gathering information, and testing security without direct exploitation.
These modules help ethical hackers and security experts identify, exploit, and secure systems efficiently.
A payload is the code delivered to a target system after an exploit is successful. There are two main types:
1️⃣ Non-Staged Payload – This is a simple payload that is sent to the target system all at once, along with the exploit. 2️⃣ Staged Payload – This payload is sent in two parts:
The stager (first part) creates a connection back to the attacker.
Once the connection is established, the stage (second part) is downloaded and executed on the target system.
Stagers: Help set up a reliable connection between the attacker and the target.
Stages: The actual payload that is downloaded and executed after the stager establishes communication.
Meterpreter is an advanced, interactive payload in Metasploit. It runs in memory, making it stealthy and hard to detect. Once executed, it allows attackers to control the system remotely, run commands, extract data, and perform post-exploitation tasks without leaving a trace on disk.
Information Gathering and Enumeration
Auxiliary Modules
Vulnerability Scanning
Auxiliary Modules
Exploit Modules & Payloads
Post Exploitation
Privilege Escalation
Post Exploitation Module & Meterpreter
Maintaining Persistent Access
Post Exploitation Module